26 July 2024




Categories: Case Study


One of the biggest issues of modern-day office workers is health problems due to sitting for long periods. Aiming to prevent these problems and create healthier workspaces, producing ergonomic furniture design is gaining importance increasingly. Ersa Furnishing plays a leading role in this field by incorporating innovative technology into chair production. In this blog, we will inspect ergonomics tests Ersa Furnishing conducts using Movella and Scalefit solutions for their office chair calledPan.”

Ergonomics Analysis with Movella and Scalefir Solutions 

Ersa Furnishing started using the highest-end #MotionCapture systems in designing ergonomic chairs. Movella and Scalefit solutions were enhanced to maximize users’ comfort and health by analyzing sitting ergonomics in detail. 

  • Movella: Captures the user’s movement in high precision instantaneously, and digitalizes sitting positions on a biomechanical model. Thus, the person’s kinematic data such as joint angles and segment positions are established. 
  • Scalefit: The kinematic raw data is evaluated based on international ergonomics standards. Each body segment or joint is examined by the related scientific process through the software algorithm. These analyses allow necessary improvements to be made in the chair designs. 

Testing Process of Ersa Furnishing 

Ersa Furnishing has tested its newly produced ergonomic chair using Movella and Scalefit solutions. These tests were conducted on users with different body types and sitting habits. The testing process includes these steps: 

  1. Motion Capture: When the users sit on the chairs, their movements are recorded and converted into kinematic data by the Movella system. They are then converted into ergonomics reports thanks to Scalefit software.
  2. Data Analysis: The collected data is inspected by the professionals in detail. As a result of these analyses, the necessary design alterations are made to improve the comfort level of the chair. 

Results and Improvements 

As a result of these tests conducted by Ersa Furnishing, deductions were made regarding important improvements in ergonomic furniture design and office ergonomics. Chairs designed most appropriately according to users’ sitting habits and body types aim to minimize possible health problems that may occur due to long sitting periods. 

sense4motion and Ersa Furnishing Collaboration 

As sense4motion, the study we carried out with Ersa Furnishing emphasizes the importance of technology use in furniture design. This innovative approach supported by Movella and Scalefit solutions, contributes majorly to developing products that prioritize the health and comfort of office workers.